Sneak peek

The painting currently on the easel portraying women in camp and the natural community they establish.
The painting currently on the easel portraying women in camp and the natural community they establish.

In my last posting I referred to my sporadic absence here on my blog. My personal life has continued to keep me from being as active as I should be with my art, but some events have concluded and after a great deal of soul searching and healing, my reclusive behavior should begin to resolve itself.
As a sure sign of that return I have resumed working on the commission that I mentioned. It is moving along well, and surprisingly fast now that I am restoring my disciplines and regaining my footing. I can tell that my work will be going through a great transition over the next several months. Even as I paint I can feel changes … and can see a subtle evolution of paint handling. Thankfully, I believe it will be for the betterment of my work.
Look for the final painting to be put up when it is complete within the next week or so. But for now, enjoy this rare sneak peek.


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